🤖Greetings and welcome to Woollyfern!

I make Midjourney tutorials on YouTube, PDF guides, and share extra Midjourney resources over on my Patreon community.

My background in genetics, data analysis & visualization (Python/R), and photography informs my unique approach to the world of synthetic imagery.

Through Woollyfern, I love sharing insights and techniques to help others bring their imaginative ideas to life. My main focus is Midjourney, however, I tend to dabble in other AI image and video tools from time to time as well.

Whether you're an experienced prompter or just getting started, I'm here to help.

Check out my latest videos on YouTube

I share monthly Midjourney news and have lots of quick and thorough tutorials to choose from to help you master prompting with Midjourney.

Midjourney SREF Collection by Woollyfern

Midjourney SREF Collection:
400+ SREF Codes

30 Film and Photo Prompt Phrases for Midjourney

Patreon Community

Benefits included (depending on tier):

  • Vote on future video and guide topics

  • Access to all Midjourney pdf guides

  • Monthly prompt collection

  • Behind-the-scenes content (prompt testing, my Midjourney creations, video research, other fun experiments)

  • Your support helps make this possible!

  • Discord benefits (private server)


I started off sharing written tutorials about Midjourney and related AI tools (such as TopazLabs).

Currently, I’m primarily focusing on Midjourney video tutorials on YouTube and my Patreon community.

I will update articles here from time to time, but just know that you can get the most up-to-date information via my YouTube channel or my Patreon.